CLARIAH-AT TEI Introductory School
The Centre for Information Modelling (ZIM), the Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing (IDE) and the TEI Technical Council offer an introductory school on scholarly text encoding with the TEI. The summer school will be run and held at the ZIM at the University of Graz from 10th to 13th September 2019, and is sponsored by CLARIAH-AT.
This school precedes the 2019 TEI Conference and Members Meeting in Graz and will be an excellent opportunity to learn the fundamentals of TEI before the start of the conference.
School Programme
10.9.2019 (Tue):
09:00-10:30 Digital Scholarly Editing, by Roman Bleier and Martina Scholger
11:00-12:30 Textencoding with XML, by Hans Clausen and Gerlinde Schneider
14:00-15:30 TEI – General introduction, by Hans Clausen and Gerlinde Schneider
16:00-17:30 Practice: XML/TEI, by Hans Clausen and Gerlinde Schneider
11.9.2019 (Wed):
09:00-10:30 Metadata: teiHeader, msDesc, by Helmut W. Klug and Elisabeth Raunig
11:00-12:30 Text and transcription, by Sean M. Winslow
14:00-15:30 Practice, by Helmut W. Klug, Elisabeth Raunig and Sean M. Winslow
16.00-18.00 Presentations and social event
12.9.2019 (Thu):
09:00-10:30 TEI genre-specific encoding: letters, by Roman Bleier
11:00-12:30 TEI Customization, by Martina Scholger
14:00-15:30 Names, people, places, by Christian Steiner
16:00-17:30 Practice: letters, by Roman Bleier and Martina Scholger
13.9.2019 (Fri):
09:00-10:30 XPath, Syd Bauman
11:00-12:30 Schematron, practice, by Syd Bauman
14:00-15:30 Easy TEI publication (CETEIcean), by Raffaele Viglianti
16:00-17:30 Case Studies: TEI for data-rich documents, by James Cummings
Teaching assistants: Selina Galka, Sanja Saric, Jakob Sonnberger, Sebastian Stoff