The master class Digital Scholarly Editing 2024 (#mcdse2024) teaches techniques of digital scholarly editing practices based on XML. This includes the proposals of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) as well as theoretical and methodological concepts of digital editions. The presenters convey the basics, introduce best practice tools and recommend sources of further information. The thematic focus is on medieval and early modern editions and associated methods such as source descriptions, scribe identification and text-critical apparatus. The participants will be enabled to independently develop and deepen their editorial and digital skills gathered in the event.
The master class takes place from 19th to 23rd February 2024 in Saarbrücken, at Saarland University. It was initiated by the research project “Sorores” ( and is carried out by the Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing (IDE, Participation is free of charge.
As a participant, you are expected to participate continuously and on all days. You have to bring your own computer including an installed Oxygen XML editor with a valid license (e.g. a temporary test license free of charge). You are expected to bring with you a poster presentation of your project for the poster session on Friday. Requirements for this will be sent out after registration. The language of instruction is English.
Interested persons are welcome to contact us by email (to with their name, institution and description of their edition project or edition-related research project (ca. 500 words). There is a limited number of bursaries for accommodation and meals available. Please indicate in your application if you would be interested in receiving this. The application deadline is on October 31st, 2023. There will be a waiting list in the event of over-registration.
Cristina Andenna
Roman Bleier
Sylvie Duval
Isabel Harvey
Torsten Roeder
Sergi Sancho Flibla
Torsten Schaßan
Georg Vogeler
Monday, February 19, 2024
9:00-9:30 Welcome
Cornelius König, Vizepräsident für Internationalisierung und Europa, Universität des Saarlandes
Cristina Andenna, Universität des Saarlandes
Sylvie Duval, Università degli studi di Bologna and Sergi Sancho Fibla, Università degli studi di Padova – Sorores Projekt
Georg Vogeler, ZIM, Universität Graz / IDE
9:30-12:00: Introduction to XML, Oxygen, Basic TEI (Translation)
by Georg Vogeler, Univ. Graz
13:00-16:10: From Image to Transcription (Transkribus)
by Selina Galka, Univ. Graz
17:30 Guided Tour through Regional Archives of Saarland
18:30: Keynote: From Digital to Computational Scholarly Editing: Are We Ready for ChatGPT? (Video on Youtube)
by Elena Pierazzo, Univ. Tours
and Reception
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
9:00-12:30: TEI: Embedded Transcription
by Bernhard Bauer, Univ. Graz
14:00-14:30 Introduction into publishing workflows in GAMS Graz (Bernhard Bauer)
14:30-18:00: TEI: Transcription and Critical Apparatus
by Elisa Cugliana, Univ. Cologne
19:00 Gemeinsames Abendessen
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
9:00-12:30: TEI: teiHeader and Manuscript Description
by Torsten Schaßan, HAB Wolfenbüttel
14:00-14:30 Introduction into publishing workflows at HAB Wolfenbüttel (Torsten Schaßan)
14:30-18:00: Content Annotation 1: Persons, Places, Keywords
by Georg Vogeler, Univ. Graz
Thursday, February 22, 2024
9:00-12:30: Content Annotation 2: standOff, Linked Open Data
by Roman Bleier, Univ. Graz
14:00-14:30: Introduction into Publishing Workflows with TEI Publisher at HumaNum
by Floriane Chiffoleau, Le Mans Université
14:30-18:00: Data Management (FAIR, trusted repo, git)
by Roman Bleier, Univ. Graz
Friday, February 23, 2024
9.00-12:30: Poster session („Lessons Learned“)
incl. individual counseling by the digital scholarly edition experts of the IDE
The participants will be tutored by Jakob Sonnberger, Univ. Graz
The event is supported by