We are happy to announce the sixth issue of the review journal RIDE, which is published since 2014 by the Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing. This new issue is the first one in the RIDE-series dedicated to the reviewing of digital text collections.
The current issue includes ten reviews in English (5), German (4) and Italian (1) that critically assess digital text collections from various fields of the Humanities. Furthermore, the motivation and scope to put digital text collections in the centre of attention are described in an editorial. For your convenience, this is the table of contents:
- Editorial: Reviewing Digital Text Collections, by Ulrike Henny-Krahmer and Frederike Neuber
- CELT – Corpus of Electronic Texts, by Turlough O’Riordan
- Litteraturbanken, the Swedish Literature Bank, by Mats Dahlström and Wout Dillen.
- Varitext und das Corpus des variétés nationales du français, by Julia Burkhardt
- Corpus of Spanish Golden-Age Sonnets, by José Calvo Tello
- Regesta Imperii Online, by Julian Schulz
- Spectateurs, by Greta Franzini
- Review of Electronic Enlightenment Scholarly Edition of Correspondence, by Mark J. Hill
- Deutsches Textarchiv, by Dario Kampkaspar
- „La Repubblica“ Corpus, by Rebecca Sierig
- Women Writers in Review, by Amanda Gagel
All reviews can be accessed for free here: http://ride.i-d-e.de/issues/issue-6
Enjoy the RIDE!
RIDE issue 6 on Digital Text Collections is out!