The Institute for Documentology and Digital Editing (IDE) offers a spring school on Advanced XML/TEI technologies for Digital Scholarly Editions in cooperation with the Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT). The spring school will be run and held at
RIDE Issue 2 published
The Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing (IDE) is happy to announce the publication of issue 2 of our review journal RIDE. This time there are 5 reviews (4 in English, 1 in German) on publicly available scholarly digital editions.
Am 12. Dezember 2014 gestaltet das IDE-Mitglied Markus Schnöpf einen Workshop an der Universität Potsdam zu den Digital Humanities mit und trägt unter Anderem zu ride und digitalen Editionen vor. Für weitere Informationen hier klicken.