We are happy to announce the eighth issue of the review journal RIDE, which is the second issue in the RIDE-series dedicated to Digital Text Collections. 

The current issue includes five reviews in English (4) and German (1) that critically assess Digital Text Collections from various fields of the Humanities. Furthermore, the contents of the reviews are reflected in an editorial. For your convenience, this is the table of contents:

  • Editorial: Digital Text Collections, Take Two – Action!,  by Ulrike Henny-Krahmer und Frederike Neuber
  • Anemoskala. Corpus and concordances for major Modern Greek poets, by Anna-Maria Sichani
  • PHI – Latin Texts, by Dániel Kozák.
  • Review of Perseus Digital Library, by Sarah Lang
  • Rezension der Deutschsprachigen Wikisource, by Susanne Haaf
  • Théâtre classique, by Christof Schöch

Editors of the issue are Ulrike Henny-Krahmer and Frederike Neuber.

All reviews can be accessed for free here: http://ride.i-d-e.de/issues/issue-8

Enjoy the RIDE!




RIDE 8 is out!
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