Das TEI Consortium startet mit dem „Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative“ ihr offizielles Organ für den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs. Die erste Ausgabe wird von IDE-Mitglied Malte Rehbein in Zusammenarbeit mit Syd Bauman (Brown University) und Kevin Hawkins (University of Michigan) herausgegeben.
CFP: Inaugural Issue of the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative,
the official journal of the TEI Consortium
The TEI Board is delighted to announce a call for papers for the inaugural issue of The Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative. The journal will be published at least once a year with papers from the previous year’s TEI Conference and Members’ Meeting. The editors also welcome proposals from members of the community to guest-edit a special issue on a particular topic or theme of interest
for TEI scholarship, methods, or practice. This is a freely-available, open-access, peer-reviewed journal hosted by Revues.org.
For more information on the journal, see http://journal.tei-c.org/ . Detailed submission instructions will be made available at this site in the near future.For this inaugural issue, the guest editors (Syd Bauman, Kevin Hawkins, and Malte Rehbein) welcome any article that
takes as its premise the scholarly, pedagogic, or administrative concerns of the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines or the Text
Encoding Initiative Consortium. Articles arising from the 2009 Conference and Members Meeting held in Ann Arbor are especially welcome.
Closing date for submissions for the inaugural issue is 30 October 2010 with publication expected late Winter 2011.
On behalf of the TEI Board,
Susan Schreibman, Editor-in-Chief
Markus Flatscher, Technical Editor
Kevin S. Hawkins, Managing Editor
Source: http://www.tei-c.org/News/#tei-2010-07-10-cfp_inaugural_issue_of_the_journal_of_the_text_encoding_initiative