We are pleased to announce the fifteenth volume of our publication series on scholarly editing. The volume contains the updated versions of papers given at the 2019 conference in Lausanne. We are happy that Elena Spadini and Francesca Tomasi organised this great conference and edited the volume. You can order the paper version of the book (ISBN 978-3-7543-4369-2 ) via your prefered channel or wait for the digital open access version following soon.
The basics are:
Graph Data-Models and Semantic Web Technologies in Scholarly Digital Editing, edited by Elena Spadini, Francesca Tomasi, and Georg Vogeler. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2021 (ISBN 978-3-7543-4369-2).
Elena Spadini, Francesca Tomasi: Introduction (1-6)
Infrastructures and Technologies
Peter Boot, Marijn Koolen: Connecting TEI Content Into an Ontology of the Editorial Domain (9-29)
Hugh Cayless, Matteo Romanello: Towards Resolution Services for Text URIs (31-44)
Iian Neill, Desmond Schmidt: SPEEDy. A Practical Editor for Texts Annotated With Standoff Properties (45-54)
Miller C. Prosser, Sandra R. Schloen: The Power of OCHRE’s Highly Atomic Graph Database Model for the Creation and Curation of Digital Text Editions (55-71)
Georg Vogeler: “Standing-off Trees and Graphs”: On the Affordance of Technologies for the Assertive Edition (73-94)
Formal Models
Hans Cools, Robert Padlina: Formal Semantics for Scholarly Editions (97-124)
Francesca Giovannetti: The Critical Apparatus Ontology (CAO): Modelling the TEI Critical Apparatus as a Knowledge Graph (125-139)
Projects and Editions
Toby Burrows, Matthew Holford, David Lewis, Andrew Morrison, Kevin Page, Athanasios Velios: Transforming TEI Manuscript Descriptions into RDF Graphs (143-154)
Stefan Münnich, Thomas Ahrend: Scholarly Music Editions as Graph: Semantic Modelling of the Anton Webern Gesamtausgabe (155-180)
Colin Sippl, Manuel Burghardt, Christian Wolff: Modelling Cross-Document Interdependencies in Medieval Charters of the St. Katharinenspital in Regensburg (181-203)
Biographical Notes
Here you can find further details.