Thanks to a generous contribution of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Graz, RIDE is pleased to announce the recipient of the fifth RIDE AWARD, worth 250 €, for the best review article published in RIDE 10, a special issue on editions of correspondence.
The prize committee – Thomas Stäcker (Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt), Roman Bleier (Universität Graz), Frederike Neuber and Markus Schnöpf (both Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften) – has decided to award the prize to Dominik Kasper (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz) for his review of the „Alfred Escher-Briefedition“, published in RIDE 10, a special issue on digital scholarly editions of correspondence.*
Jury statement:
The excellent review by Dominik Kasper provides a detailed overview of the „Alfred Escher-Briefedition” (Alfred Escher edition of correspondence) by taking into account the context of its creation and the edited materials as well as its technical implementation and web presentation. The reviewer’s discussion of digital methods used in the edition illustrates their application by means of concrete examples, which makes his assessment of the edition very comprehensible for the reader. Even if the review is mostly positive, the reviewer also expresses necessary criticism, such as the deviation from the TEI standard and missing API and download options. By expressing suggestions for improvement at the same time, the review opens up a constructive discussion that is very valuable both for the „Alfred Escher-Briefedition” as well as for other digital editions of correspondence.
* The review by Ulrike Henny-Krahmer was not included in the assessment as the author is also a co-editor of RIDE.