Unter Co-Organisation von IDE-Mitglied Malte Rehbein findet vom 14. bis 15. Mai 2009 am Institut des textes & manuscrits modernes (ITEM) in Paris ein internationaler Workshop zur Entwicklung digitaler textgenetischer Editionen statt.

Einladung und Information zur Anmeldung:

You are very welcome to participate in a workshop on „Genetic Editions in a Digital Framework“ to be held at ITEM (http://www.item.ens.fr/) in Paris, 14/15 May 2009. The purpose of this workshop is to prepare an encoding model for genetic editions/criticism.

The meeting will start on Thursday, 2pm (sharp), and we will finish on Friday by 3:30pm. The first day will include presentations by invited speakers on genetic editions from a research but not necessarily digital point of view, while the second day has a workshop character and is devoted to the encoding itself.

Participation is open to everyone but the number of places is limited, so pre-registration is essential. In order to register for the event, please send an email (with name, affiliation) to malte.rehbein@nuigalway.ie as soon as possible but not later than 17 April, as it will be a first-in-first-serve basis. Please register also for lunch (must be paid by yourself) on Friday if you wish so.

List of invited speakers (partly subject to confirmation):

Dr. Anne Bohnenkamp, Goethe Museum, Frankfurt (Germany)
Dr. John Bryant, Hofstra University (USA)
Aurèle Crasson, CNRS ITEM (France)
Jean-Daniel Fekete, INRIA (France)
Dr. Daniel Ferrer, CNRS ITEM (France)
Prof. Dr. Hans Walter Gabler, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität (Germany)
Prof. Dr. Axel Gellhaus, Rheinsch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany)
Dr. Almuth Grésillon, CNRS ITEM (France)
Prof. Dr. Claus Huitfeldt, University of Bergen (Norway)
Dr. Dirk van Hulle, University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Dr. Jean-Louis Lebrave, CNRS ITEM (France)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lukas, Wuppertal (Germany)
Prof. Dr. Kenneth M. Price, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA)
Prof. Kathryn Sutherland, University of Oxford (UK)
Edward Vanhoutte, Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies – Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature (Belgium)

Genetic Editions in a Digital Framework