Follow the style of the first volume. Please find the articles online under the following link: (e.g. Mark Aussems, Axel Brink: Digital Palaeography [KUPS]). You can find examples at the end of this page.
Generally, please give references in brackets as short and clear as possible in the main text. References to the bibliography (after a quotation / citation) contain only information that is not given in the text.
The MLA Style Manual (6th edition) may be used as a guideline. But please note the following amendments, in particular how to deal with online resources.
- editorship in the langauge of your paper (Englisch: “Ed. [editor]” – Deutsch “Hrsg. [Herausgeber]“ – It.: "A Cura di [editore]")
- multiple authors: Englisch: “[author], [autor], and [autor]”, french: "[author], [autor], et [autor]"
- Sequence of authors as given in the cited paper
- Main title of book / journal in italics
- publishing places in the language of your paper. American states are only mentioned to avoid confusion
- Please consider references to online resources as part of bibliographic references by putting them into the bibliography at the end of the paper; please try to describe them in the same manner as printed material.
- Please describe online ressources in the bibliography -even if they aren't an explicit research paper – similar to printed publication (given titles in square brackets please):
Author/responsible person. title. place: hosting institution, year of publication (or time span of active curation). <url>.
- references to online resources are given in the bibliography and in the same way as they were printed texts; in the text suffices a short reference
- "Accessed" only to fill in lacking date.
simple project references ("The IDE ( is great") should be resolved in the following way: in the text "The Institute for Dokumentology and Digital Editing (IDE) is great." => Bibliogrpahy "IDE: Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik. 2007-2010. <>." - end URLs without a slash: <> not <>
- for examples see below
- footnotes follow the punctation marks as long as the note doesn't refer only to a part of the phrase
- please convert longer notes in brackets into text or into footnotes.
- do not use footnotes for url – reference, cfr. the section on URLs.
Zitate / Quotations
- use quotations marks only when citing inside a paragraph
- gaps in quotations are marked with […] (not as MLA suggests [. . .]!). Mark every change and addition in quotations with square brackets: [ ]
- Reference preceds the closing interpunction ("The problem is still unsolved (Sahle 2010).")
Srihari, Sargur N., Sung-Hyuk Cha, Hina Arora, and Sangjik Lee. Handwriting identification: Research to study validity of individuality of handwriting and develop
computer-assisted procedures for comparing handwriting. Buffalo (NY): University at Buffalo, 2001.
Article in Journal:
Schubert, Martin. "Sprechende Leere. Lücke, Loch und Freiraum in der Großen Heidelberger Liederhandschrift." editio. Internationales Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaft 22 (2008): 118–38.
Article in anthology:
Schneider, Karin. "Akzentuierung in mittelalterlichen deutschsprachigen Handschriften." Edition und Sprachgeschichte. Baseler Fachtagung 2.–4. März 2005. Hrsg. Michael Stolz in Verbindung mit Robert Schöller und Gabriel Viehhauser. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2007. 17–24.
Online article:
Laidlaw, James C. The Date of the Queen’s MS (London, British Library, Harley 4431). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Library, 2005. <>.
Digitised material:
Census of Ireland 1901/1911. [Digitised from microfilm.] Dublin: The National Archives of Ireland, 2007-2010. <>.
Project URL:
Codices Electronici Sangallenses (CESG) – Virtual Library. Fribourg: University of Fribourg, 2005-2010. <>. [The project is since 2008 part of e-codices, <>.]