We are happy to announce the seventh issue of the review journal RIDE, which is published since 2014 by the Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing. The current issue includes five reviews, all of them in English, that critically assess
RIDE Issue 5 published
The IDE is very happy to announce that the fifth issue of RIDE, a review journal for digital editions and resources, has just been published. As in the first issue, we have 5 reviews (all in English) that critically assess scholarly
IDE erhält Förderung für RIDE
Die Geisteswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Graz fördert RIDE mit einer Summe von 1500 Euro. Das Geld wird in den nächsten 6 Jahren dazu verwendet werden, einen Preis in Höhe von 250 Euro für ausgezeichnete in RIDE veröffentliche Beiträge zu vergeben. Weitere
RIDE Issue 4 published
The IDE is very happy to announce that the fourth issue of RIDE, a review journal for digital editions and resources, has just been published. As in the first issue, we have 5 reviews (3 in English, 2 in German) that
RIDE Issue 3 published
The IDE is very happy to announce that the third issue of RIDE, a review journal for digital editions and resources, has just been published. As in the first issue, we have 5 reviews (all in English) that critically assess
RIDE Issue 2 published
The Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing (IDE) is happy to announce the publication of issue 2 of our review journal RIDE. This time there are 5 reviews (4 in English, 1 in German) on publicly available scholarly digital editions.