Der September 2018 brachte für einzelne Angehörige des IDEs Ernennungen und Preisauszeichnungen: Christiane Fritze wurde ins TEI Board gewählt und unterstützt nun Georg Vogeler und Martina Scholger Stefan Dumont hat zusammen mit seinem Team (Sascha Grabsch und Jonas Müller-Lackmann) und
Acknowledgments & news from RIDE – A review journal for digital editions and resources
Just in time for the end of the first half of the year 2018 we want to announce the latest news concerning the review journal RIDE: Peer Reviewers Since 2014, RIDE has published a total of 45 reviews of
Zweiter RIDE-Preis vergeben / Second RIDE prize awarded
Thanks to a generous contribution of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Graz, RIDE is pleased to announce the recipients of the second RIDE AWARD, worth 250 €, for the best review article published in RIDE. The prize committee
RIDE 8 is out!
We are happy to announce the eighth issue of the review journal RIDE, which is the second issue in the RIDE-series dedicated to Digital Text Collections. The current issue includes five reviews in English (4) and German (1) that critically
Das IDE auf der DHd2018
Die DHd 2018 vom 26. Februar bis 2. März 2018 in Köln gibt Raum für einige Mitglieder des IDE, ihre Arbeit vorzustellen: Workshops: Alexander Czmiel unterrichtet mit Torsten Schrade und Stephan Druskat „Research Software Engineering und Digital Humanities. Reflexion, Kartierung, Organisation“
RIDE issue 7 is out
We are happy to announce the seventh issue of the review journal RIDE, which is published since 2014 by the Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing. The current issue includes five reviews, all of them in English, that critically assess